Saturday, January 30, 2010

Global Warming (辩论 biànlùn Debate

Heard the Global Warming (辩论 biànlùn Debate) held in Brisbane. I can now see why GW activists are so reluctant to debate the issue. 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Three blind 小鼠 xiǎoshǔ mice

Making a few images to illustrate my Mandarin Nursery Rhymes. Maybe I should look up Chinese Nursery Rhymes too...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple iPad.

A great new product.

I'll be creating images specifically to display well in the 1024 x 768 screen space.

Apple iPad, welcome to!

Where is a ?? ch?ba? tea bag?

I wish I knew who threw the last one out without buying more from the store.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Province 1 of China

I'm going to have an individual page for each Chinese province on the site. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

China Map With Provinces

The little map of China I've had on had no detail. I've taken a step today, producing the map below. It at least outlines the 23 provinces China claims. 

I will work on a more detailed map which will label the provinces.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How was your day?

The latest Mandarin cell is complete.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

中国 zhōng guó China

Daily Word today is China. 中国 zhōng guó China is a great place to buy tea.
I would like to visit China one day. Once I learn more Mandarin of course! I switched from coffee to tea some years ago, so I'm sure I could fit in to Chinese society! Several cups of 茶 chá tea a day! 

Although I think it would be frowned upon if I brought along my teabags. Not sure how much of a tea ceremony could be had if I whipped out my Dilmah teabag and started dunking it in my cup. All eyes would turn and whispers would be uttered about the foreigner. They would be much too polite to say anything to me about it. Just continue with their ceremony...

Do you have a tea ceremony?

Stick on a Plane

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hair and Chinese


The Mandarin word for hair sounds like 'too far'. So it was an easy line to give to the waiter, Al Dente. It should help you remember the word for 'hair', anyway. We are in an Italian restaurant, and the waiter is Italian. I put a grape theme along the lower wall to help with the Italian theme. Whenever I think of Italy, grapes come to mind. Olives too, of course.


From what I have heard, Chinese haircuts are quite cheap. I'm sure almost every Chinese hairdresser listens to and follows the wishes of their customer. Chip's hairdresser doesn't appear to have listened.

The first Chinese character in the word 'Chinese' is easy to recognise. Pretty sure it means mid or middle. It is part of the word China, which literally means 'middle kingdom' - central to the rest of the world.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chips Haircut

The guy on the left is Chip McDonald. When I first drew him I was struck by his hair. After drawing and putting Arthur with him at the restaurant table I knew something had to be said about Chip's hair. With such a glum look on his face, the story just seemed to write itself.

My goal was to feature a Simplified Chinese Character, with the Pinyin, for each new cell I drew. That way I would feel like I was doing something educational for my kids, who are learning Mandarin as a school subject. I also wanted to inject humour wherever possible. Any amusement you may receive here is a by-product of me trying to make myself laugh. I suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), so any levity I can find is a welcome relief.

Why did I choose 'you' as the first word to learn? I had trouble working out what 'hairdresser' was in Chinese, so I went with 'you' instead. I am certainly no expert on Chinese Mandarin. I am trying to learn it now, as a mature (mostly) adult. I can see Mandarin becoming a more useful language to know in the years ahead. Also, I want to be able to read the warranties and instructions on all the products I buy.

Feel free to correct me when you spot my errors. Tackling Chinese Mandarin is a daunting challenge. I am learning from scratch, with no formal teacher. You are welcome to join me on this strange Odyssey. (I had to use that word - I just bought a 2000 Honda Odyssey. Quite pleased with it...actually, it's my wife's. I drive our 1995 Holden Commodore.

Orange Juice
For pre-dinner drinks Arthur looked more like an orange juice man. Or was it that I
couldn't resist focusing on Chip's strange hair colour? As well as providing me some slight amusement, the OJ reference came about because I had already collected the characters and pinyin for 'orange juice.' May as well use them.

Chip's first words were a question designed to deflect attention from the top of his head. He didn't want to discuss the terrible appointment he had just come from, at the hairdressers. I was glad I had drawn his face glum. I am not a skilled artist. I find it rather challenging and time-consuming to create these guys. Yet it is also therapeutic to have a creative outlet.

You'll notice I am in no hurry to change the way a character appears, from cell to cell. It's hard enough getting them to look OK in ONE position, let alone alter their features from cell to cell.

- Barry -

Monday, January 18, 2010 is launched

Welcome to my new venture - publishing Mandarin Stories. If you want to learn a few Chinese words, this is the place.

My children are learning Mandarin as their LOTE (Language Other than English) school subject. I figured I'd give it a go too. I learn with pictures, so I thought I'd draw a few.

- Barry -